What to Expect: Births

I’m nervous about hiring a birth photographer, why should we allow you in the room during our most important day?

Because having me there will take the pressure off your husband or laboring partner. They will not have to capture the first moments, they don’t have to mess with a camera during labor and delivery, they can actually be present in the moment with you. This day will be a day that you will look back on for years to come, like a wedding, and I assure you that having me there will be something you’ll treasure forever. If you are uncomfortable with having a stranger in the room, I can tell you that I am quiet, discreet and there to do a job, I look through my camera with a photographers eye. I’m there to make the moments beautiful, not to stare or judge or interrupt your labor & delivery. I would be honored to share it with you.

Are you a mom?  How were your babies born?

Yep! I’m a mom of four. You can see pictures of my family on the “About Me” page. My first daughter was born via induction. She ended up coming so fast that I didn’t get an epidural, though I wasn’t sure I wanted one beforehand, I vowed that the next birth would be a less painful experience! My second daughter was also supposed to be an induction, but she ended up coming on her own that morning. We got to the hospital and I was already in labor, around 4-5 cm. The on-call doctor was set to go into surgery, so she told me she wanted to give me an epidural, even though I wasn’t in pain. Fine by me, I thought! I got a perfect epidural and had a completely pain free birth. I actually read magazines and “laughed my baby out” according to my OBGYN. My third daughter decided to throw me a curve ball. I felt my first contraction around 9am on a Sunday morning. Thought nothing of it, then heard a tiny pop. Still wasn’t sure what it was. Went to take a shower and within minutes was doubled over in pain. My husband convinced me that it was time to go, but I was stubborn and wanted to call my birth photographer, pack my bags, dry my favorite pants and do a bunch of other completely irrational things! I did manage to text my birth photographer, but with the hospital 30 minutes away, she didn’t make it and actually we barely made it! We got to the hospital around 10am and our 3rd daughter was born 12 minutes later. No pain meds for her either. It was painful, but I felt great afterwards and could not believe how fast it all went.

My 4th baby was born in 2019 via adoption. I held his birth mamas hand while he was born via cesarean. It was an amazing experience and I could talk all day about that moment. It truly was one of the most life changing moments of my life. Lots of love to birth mamas out there. Thank you for choosing adoption for your babies.

How much does this cost?
Please see my pricing page.

What is included in the price?

High resolution digital files emailed to you on a zip drive as well as an 8×8 10 page, 20 sided hard page album.

How long will it take for our pictures to be sent to us?

Usually 2-3 weeks after your birth. Expect another 2 weeks or so for your album to arrive.

How many photos do you give?

All births include a USB of 200 high resolution digital files (edited in color & black & white). I include all of the best photos that I take and hand edit EVERY SINGLE PHOTO.

Black & white or color?

Both! Sometimes I will leave a photo in just black and white or just color, but typically you’ll get all the photos in both formats.

When do you come to the birth and how long do you stay afterwards?

I arrive at your birth location (hospital/home/birth center) during active labor, usually around 5cm dilated. I stay till 2ish hours after birth. I love to capture the moments after birth, even more so than the actual delivery. Those tiny toes, the first bath, breastfeeding and your babys first snuggle with dad

Have you ever photographed a c-section?

Yes, I have photographed many cesarean births. However, a lot of hospitals do not allow this anymore, so please check with your doctor and specific hospital. Many hospitals only allow one additional person in the room, but if that’s the case, I would be willing to send dad in with my camera, then resume my photographer role when you both exit surgery!

When is it best to book our birth photography “session”?

I only book about 6-8 births per year due to other commitments with my family, travel, and wedding season. I love births, but they require a lot of time, so if you want me there, email me as soon as possible!

Do you travel outside of Southern California for births? 

I’ll fly just about anywhere for an induction or cesarean, but when it comes to unscheduled births, I don’t feel comfortable going outside of Orange County, CA.

Can we meet?

Yep, I’d love to schedule a mini-maternity session with you around 30-35 weeks!

What equipment do you use?

I shoot with a Df, D750, D600, 85mm f/1.4G, 50mm f/1.4G, 16-35mm f/2,8, 90mm 1:1 macro, and a 35mm f/1.4G lens. I bring lighing equipment just in case, but I usually shoot with 100% available light during births, so as not to startle the baby or take away from the mood of the room.

Do you offer discounts if I book a birth & maternity session or a birth & newborn session?
Yes, email me for more info!

PLEASE NOTE: Carolyn Kipper Photography provides photography to everyone, regardless of people’s age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or sexual orientation. No discrimination is tolerated. Everyone is welcome!


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© Carolyn Kipper 2022 // San Clemente Realtor // California DRE# 02160264